Explorers Connect

Looking for an inspirational adventure woman in Colombia

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

My name is Laura, I’m a travel photographer who ventures out to remote and intriguing corners of our world to document cultures and lifestyles otherwise unseen, as well as my own remote solo adventures around the globe. I also work with outdoor- and adventure related brands to fund my travels, and plan to enter further into working with organizations and tourism boards to inspire more people, especially girls and women, to explore fearlessly and find growth in challenging environments.

Here’s my Instagram and website in case you want to learn more about my work: www.laurasilvja.com , www.instagram.com/laurasilvja

 Together with a group of 10 female outdoor enthusiasts and creative filmmakers and photographers, I’m currently working on a pitch for a project to showcase the inspiring work of 2 female conservationists and/or adventurers in Colombia, document their work and present their story, values and what drives them to create the impact they so passionately pursue.

We have already found and gotten in touch with a woman who is running an eco-farm and is doing incredible work on the conservation of turtles and the education around the topic in her local community on the Pacific coast of Colombia. 

I was hoping the wonderful Explorers Connect community could point me into the direction of another extraordinary woman in the Colombia, someone who leads expeditions, is a pioneer mountain climber, inspires and supports youth to explore nature, helps save the planet from climate change etc. – we’re pretty open regarding that, we are just looking for women who make an impact in a world that is predominantly male-oriented, and tell their stories through the eyes of a group of female explorers and creatives.

 I would be thrilled to hear back from you!

All the best,

Laura hello@laurasilvja.com